Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Proud to be the Kinder Crew!

This week we have added the Pledge of Allegiance to our morning meeting.  We will say the pledge everyday and on Fridays and at Dragon Rally's, we'll recite the Mallinckrodt pledge.  We read this fabulous book today and could make a lot of connections to being "citizens" in our school/classroom community. The teacher explained the "indivisible" as 50 states, but one country. We connected this to our classroom: 21 students, 1 teacher, which makes one big team working together. We had a great discussion! 
Monday we talked about Labor Day and what we want to be when we grow up. Our reading story for the week is a nonfiction story about neighborhoods, so this tied in communities and different jobs.  Friday, 9/11, we will read September 12th and talk about "heros" and what they do/are. We will celebrate a day of kindness to find a way to be bucket fillers any way we can all throughout the day.  We will not touch on the negatives of this horrific tragedy, but focus on the positive! 

Mallinckrodt Pledge:
At Mallinckrodt Academy I will respect myself and others.
Here all people have rights.
For every right, there is a responsibility.
I will strive to be responsible and have regular attendance. 

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